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Primary EYFS, KS1 & KS2 French Schemes of Work 

Below is a comprehensive list of schemes of work for teaching KS1 and KS2 French. Most of these resources are designed with non-specialist teachers in mind, so no prior knowledge of teaching French will be needed. For that reason many will come with comprehensive CPD, including guidance on pronunciation. 

We also list schemes of work for other languages taught at primary level, such Spanish, German, Chinese Mandarin and Latin
You can stay up to date with the latest French curriculum releases, offers and CPD by signing up to our monthly newsletter here.

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French Scheme of Work

French Scheme of Work

Kapow Primary

The Kapow Primary French scheme of work fully covers the National curriculum requirements. Helping you to build language skills, knowledge and vocabulary with your pupils.

The scheme is designed to provide fun and memorable lessons and to promote a love of language learning. Join over 7,500 schools that already use Kapow Primary in their classrooms..

For Years 3 - 6


  • Engaging and detailed lesson plans, supporting resources, presentations and videos

  • Clear planning documentation for subject leaders

  • 26 original ‘Mouth Mecahnics’™ phoneme videos showing pupils how to shape the sounds for correct pronunciation using their lips, mouth and tongue

  • Audio files giving pronunciation support from native speakers

  • Covers all the key language skills, as well as learning strategies and intercultural understanding

  • Integrated CPD gives you guidance on pedagogy and helps you to teach tricky concepts to your class

  • Unique pupil and teacher videos 

  • Adaptable schemes (including long-term plans, condensed and mixed-age plans)

  • A clear progression of skills and knowledge throughout using a spiral curriculum structure, helping teachers and subject leaders to track progress

  • Broad and balanced curriculum

Staff Training & Support 

Induction materials are sent upon signing up, and there is email support available at There are also frequent webinars that are free for members to attend. Also included are additional supporting resources for subject leaders including subject leader toolkits, progression of skills document, assessment grids and curriculum overviews.


Discover the difference with a FREE 14-day trial. Subscriptions start from £215 plus VAT.

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Teaching Primary French

Teaching Primary French

Bloomsbury Education

Years 3 - 6

One-off Purchase

Teaching Primary French offers a jam-packed, practical and easy-to-apply programme to plan and deliver effective primary lessons that will inspire your class and extend their knowledge. Linked to the National Curriculum guidelines for KS1 and KS2, each chapter addresses a specific topic and includes extracts from the curriculum itself, alongside a helpful summary, relevant French vocabulary lists, cross-curricular links, and three fully-formed lesson plans [read more].

French is Fun at Key Stage 1

French is Fun at Key Stage 1

Brilliant Publications

Years 1 - 2

One-off Purchase

The activities in French is Fun at Key Stage 1 have been specially written to appeal to 5-7 year olds. All the games, actions and songs make learning fun and pupils will pick up a huge amount of French vocabulary and simple sentences in an effortless manner. Designed for use by both specialist and non-specialist teacher, French is Fun at Key Stage 1 contains everything you need, from lesson plans and PowerPoints through to flashcards and games [read more].

CGP+ French

CGP+ French


Years 3 - 6

Monthly Subscription

Incredible online teaching resources, plus CGP Books extras just for members [read more]. 

Camden Languages French

Camden Languages French

London Grid for Learning

Years 3 - 6

Free for LGFL members

Emma Read (former consultant for Primary Languages in Camden LA) worked with a number of non-specialist primary teachers to develop a scheme of work for primary schools. These resources have now been turned into an online resource to support KS2 French and Spanish [read more]. 

Cave Languages KS2 French Scheme of Work

Cave Languages KS2 French Scheme of Work

Cave Languages

Years 3 - 6

Free (with separate purchase)

Sue Cave has designed and created Smart notebook support files and accompanying detailed planning for a scheme of work to support the delivery of French in Key Stage 2. There is also a scheme of work for Mixed-Age classes and a Year 7 French Transition Project with lesson plans and classroom activity resources [read more]. 

Early Start French

Early Start French

Early Start Online

Years 3 - 6

Annual Subscription

The Early Start French course gradually builds children's language knowledge and skills with carefully planned  progression from a small and simple vocabulary.  This gives them a sound foundation  for later study at secondary school.  Early Start French is particularly designed for a mixed ability primary school environment , where the class teacher is responsible for delivering the whole curriculum to a group of children who learn together [read more]. 

French KS2 Video2Teach SoW

French KS2 Video2Teach SoW

Primary Languages Network

Years 3 - 6

Annual Subscription

Schools all around the UK, right now, are capitalising on a scheme of work that is trailblazing the idea of adding personality and vibrancy to the MFL curriculum. It is transforming the way schools view Primary Languages [read more]. 

KS2 French Scheme of Work

KS2 French Scheme of Work

Classroom Secrets

Years 3 - 6


The sequence of progression for our scheme of work has been carefully planned and considered in order for the lessons to introduce the vocabulary needed to complete topics and to link into future topics as they emerge. However, the design also enables fluid use of the scheme so that teachers may choose their own order of units to fit in with their teaching, prior knowledge of the children and any ongoing projects or topics within their classroom [read more]. 

La Jolie Ronde French

La Jolie Ronde French

La Jolie Ronde

Years R - 6

One-off Purchase

This Scheme of Work is written by Rachel Redfearn of Wakefield Local Authority and published by La Jolie Ronde. Ideal for non-specialist teachers [read more]. 

Language Angels French

Language Angels French

Language Angels

EYFS - 6

Annual Subscription

A complete suite of teaching resources is provided for every lesson. Whether you teach KS2, KS1 or the whole of the primary phase – everything is catered for. Interactive teaching materials are provided for all lessons.

Language Magnet Primary French Course

Language Magnet Primary French Course

Language Magnet

Years 3 - 6

One-off Purchase

Our mission is to empower Primary School teachers to deliver high-quality foreign language lessons in a fun and functional way that enables all types of learners to succeed in all aspects of communicating in another language [read more]. 

Languagenut French

Languagenut French


Years 1 - 6


Whether you’re a specialist MFL teacher or taking on new language teaching responsibilities, Languagenut Primary will help you engage your students and enable you to deliver language lessons with confidence [read more]. 

Learning French with Camembear

Learning French with Camembear

Headstart Languages

Years EYFS - 2

One-off Purchase

The tried and tested learning resource designed to introduce French from EYFS and Early Level in a fun and engaging way through interaction with Camembear [read more]. 

Lightbulb Languages French

Lightbulb Languages French

Lightbulb Languages

Years 3 - 6


We hope that you will find these lesson plans and resources helpful. If at first glance the plans look a little wordy, this is because they have been written with the non-specialist in mind, and so every detail has been included. The main activities are aimed at a 30 min lesson with follow-on activities to be included throughout the week [read more]. 

Linguascope French

Linguascope French


Years 2 - 6

Annual Subscription

Ready-to-use worksheets and activities make preparing lessons quick and easy. Creative teachers will also find tools to build their own interactive activities, widgets for the interactive whiteboard and an image bank for their own worksheets and resources [read more]. 

Luc and Lucie

Luc and Lucie

BCC Languages

Years 3 - 6


These materials have been produced by a team of four educationalists and a professional illustrator to provide a four year comprehensive package to support the learning of French at KS2 for children starting to learn the language [read more]. 



Oxford University Press

Years 3 - 6

One-off Purchase

Welcome to Rigolo, three-star winner of the Teach Primary Resource Awards 2018! With Rigolo, you can follow the amazing adventures of Jake, Polly and Bof as they discover France through lively interactions and colourful stories [read more].

Rising Stars French

Rising Stars French

Rising Stars

Years 3 - 6

One-off Purchase

Get your class chatting and singing in French with fun digital activities, animations and games [read more]. 

Twinkl PlanIt French

Twinkl PlanIt French


Years 3 - 6

Monthly/Yearly Subscription

Excite and engage children with our award-winning scheme of work. Our fully progressive units provide solid building blocks to develop knowledge, skills and concepts. Featuring a wide range of activities created by subject specialists, PlanIt is easy to adapt and well researched so you can teach with confidence [read more].

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